Thank you for considering

It is the thought that counts.

We sincerely appreciate your thoughtful intention to donate to Changing Your Conversation. We understand that circumstances change, and we value the time and consideration you put into supporting our mission.

If a smaller donation aligns better with your current resources, we kindly invite you to consider making a one-time gift of $10. Your contribution, no matter the amount, directly contributes to empowering women and providing them with the resources they need to succeed.

Alternatively, if you would like to make a lasting impact and be directly involved in our mission, we encourage you to explore the opportunity to join our dedicated volunteer team. By becoming a volunteer, you can actively contribute your skills and expertise to enrich the lives of women in need.

Regardless of the level of your involvement, we sincerely thank you for visiting Changing Your Conversation and considering support for our cause. Your support, in whatever form, helps us create positive change and uplift women to build a brighter future.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Dara Koenig

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